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One Minute Boat Trip

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Bölge : # Altinkum
Mutfak: Daily Tour

Tekne İlan Açıklaması

  The one-minute boat tour is one of the most famous boats on the daily boat trip from the Altinkum coast. The boat opposite the tea plantation of the Municipality of Didim departs every day from 10 to 10:30 pm and gives an average half hour swim to each durakta by visiting the 2 islands around the village and 5 coves one by one.
 In front of Yeşilkent Bay, we have a lunch break consisting of chicken, pasta and salat according to the day.
  You can buy hot beverages at any of the cold beverages by paying an extra fee for drinks included in the price you pay for lunch.
  During the day, animation shows are also held in the one minute boat outside the swimming pauses.
 Around 4  4:40 the tour is over and the guests are taken to the Altinkum harbor. 

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12-02-2025 09:00:00

Sıcaklık : 4.42o C
Minimum Sıcaklık : 4.42o C
Maksimum Sıcaklık : 6.82o C
Basınç : 1026 hPa
Nem : 71 %
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