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Efes Ancient City

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Antikkent Ad Description

  Efes (Ephesus), 6000 years BC, Polished Stone age based on the Organization, things to do in Selçuk 3 km away from the biggest cities of the time.    Neolithic Efes       in 1996, Selçuk and Ephesus, about 100 m South West of the road, Mandarin gardens Çaynın Cukurici Hoyuk.they founded on the banks of the Mound has been identified between Derbent. Archaeologist research and excavations headed by the Just result of the universe, this mound stone and bronze axes, needles, to parts, loom weights, burnished greenhouse Obsidian (volcanic glass) and sileks (flint), shellfish, grinding and finishing tools. The evaluation made in the light of the Neolithic And early Bronze Age Mound, Cukurici Hoyuk.they founded a settlement and life up. The same type of materials, however Selcuk, Kuşadasi roughly 8. km Arvalya in Arvalya in a field adjoining the rose Lady Mound and agate. Cukurici hoyuk.they founded and Arvalya (rose Lady) works with identified in the mound, there was enough space so that the historic area near Neolithic era. Today at the Temple of Artemis was destroyed except for a column that was created from the colon. 

  Hellenistic Ephesus
  BC The port city of Ephesus, where immigrants from Greece came to life in 1050 BC In 560 the Temple of Artemis was moved around. Today, Efes was visited by Lysimakhos, one of the great Alexander generals. It was founded in 300 years. The city was autonomously repressed by Roma in the common currency of the city of Apameia Kibotos. These cities began to behave very shiny and semi-autonomous in Little Asia in the classical period. Lysimakhos rebuilds it according to the 'Grid Plan' that the Hippodamus, the town of Hippodamus, finds. According to this plan, all the streets and streets in the city cut each other vertically.

Roman Ephesus

Ephesus, the most glorious period of the Hellenistic and Roman ages, was the capital of the Asian Province during the Roman Emperor Augustus and its population exceeded 200,000 people during that period (1st - 2nd century BC). In this period, every place is equipped with monumental constructions made of marble. 

  A.d. 4. Efeste trade with the harbour stuffed back in the 21st century. Emperor Hadrian port a few times. Port from the North Marnas Brook and small Menderes River with silt from the dollar. Distance from the sea to Ephesus. in the 7th century Arabs attack these shores. In the Byzantine period again relocated and first established in Ephesus, from 1330 to the top Selçuktaki Ayasuluk is taken by Turks. Aydınoğullarının is the center of Kusadasi district, 16. century gradually began to shrink. Nowadays, 30,000 populated tourist Sandoval County. Hadrian's Temple at Ephesus there was enough space in the frieze at the entrance to the legend of the thousand-year-old organization with 3 takes place in the following sentence: King of Athens Kodrosun brave son Locality, like to explore the other side of the Aegean ". The Temple of Apollo in Delphi before the Oracle he consults them. Oracles pointed to him, fish and pigs will establish a town. The meaning of these locality contemplating Aegean meets the dark blue waters of the sails. Kaystros (small Menderes) River mouth decides to go ashore when they come into the Bay. The fire burned through the bushes when they bake the fish, a wild boar, fish infected k. Here the prophecy. Here's a city decides to establish. 

  Ephesus, which is the main gate between East and West, was an important port city. This position led to the development of Ephesus as the most important political and commercial center and to become the capital of Asia in the Roman Period. Ephesus does not simply owe its importance in antiquity. The greatest temple of Artemis culture based on the ancient Anatolian (Cybele) tradition of Anatolian is Efeste. Efes, who was in the forefront of science, art and culture in the 6th century, raised famous figures such as wise Heraclitus, dreamer Artemidoros, poet Callinos and Hipponaks, grammatical knowledge Zenodotos, physicians Soranos and Rufus.

 Architectural works 

  Many times throughout the history of Ephesus, the ruins of about 8 kilometers from moved to a wide area. Ephesus and ayasuluk Hill, four major areas as Selçuk Artemision, the ruins are 1.5 million tourists visit annually. Completely made of marble, the first city of Efesteki its main structures and artifacts are described below    The Temple Of Artemis       Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, the ancient world is the first temple built of marble basics b.c. 7. century. The Lydian King Croesus in tribute to the goddess, commissioned by structure, Artemise Greek architect Chersiphron and designed by the greatest sculptors Pheidias, Polycleitus, Kresilas, and Phradmon adorned with the bronze sculpture made by. Size 130 x 68 metres and the façade of the other Artemis (the Mother Goddess) was facing the West such as the temples. The temple is both a marketplace, and used to be a religious institution. Wishing to immortalize the name of July 21 BC, the Temple of Artemis 356da was burned by a Greek named Herostratus. That same night, Alexander the great was born. Alexander the great conquered Anatolia, offer help to rebuild the Temple of Artemis, but was rejected. Only a few survived the temple block of marble.    

  Celsus Library

The building, which is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Roman period, has undertaken the role of both a library and a grave monument. When Celsus, the governor of Ephesus, died in S.S.106, his son built the library as a tomb monument in the name of his father. Celsus is under the western wall of the coronation library. The Front was restored between 1970-1980. Book rolls in the library were hiding in the niches on the walls.

The House of the Virgin Mary

Bülbüldağında Isan's mother Meryemin the last years of St. He believed that he was with John. Instead of the main site of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus passes by the upper door of the ancient city. It is a place of pilgrimage for Christians and visited by some of the popes. Although the meryem is not thought to be at the Bülbüldağ in the dead tomb here, it is reported that Meryemin Mausoleum is in Silifke today in the present day in the Seleucid, as explained in the Bible.

 Ashab-i Kehf 

  It is believed that this place, which was converted into a grave church in the Byzantine period, is a cave narrated from the Late Roman emperors that they were sheltered on the outskirts of the seven Christian clans of the Paleon Mountain, who escaped from the persecution of pagans in the time of Decius. There are 33 cities in the world claiming that the cave is within its borders, but according to the majority of Christian sources, Efestir is considered sacred to urban Christians. The most known and visited cave in Turkey is Seven Uyurlar cave. Tarsus is the birthplace of Paul. The former name of the Arab sources in the form of Efsus in the form of a delegation made up of scientists in Afşin and the domestic courts in the discovery of the discovery of the case has increased the claim. The other Eshab-i Kehf in Turkiye is Licededir. A church built on this cave in Ephesta was unearthed in an excavation between 1927-1928, and the graves belonging to the 5th and 6th centuries were found at the end of the excavation. The inscriptions dedicated to the Seven Sleepers are found both in the graves and on the church walls.
    Isa Bey Mosque. 

  In 1374-75, Isa Bey from Aydınoğulları was built by the architect Şamlı Dımışklıoğlu Aliye on Ayasuluk Tepesi. It is located between the Temple of Artemis and Saint Jean Church. There are rich ornaments and china in the mosque exhibiting the first examples of Anatolian mosque architecture. It was also used as a caravanserai in the 19th century
Other Construct

Temple of Hadrian

Hadrian Temple In the name of Emperor Hadrianus, the monument was built as a temple. Corinthian is organized and the fable of Efesin is built. On the back of 20 million TL and 20 YTL banknotes, this temple was used with the Celsus Library.

 Domitian Temple
The temple, which was built in the name of Emperor Domitianus, thought to be one of the greatest structures in the city, is located across from the Traianus Fountain. It is determined that there are pillars on the sides of the temple, where only the bases have been reached. The remains of Domitian's statue are head and one arm.

  Temple Of Serapis    the most interesting temple of Serapis, one doing there was enough space, library of Celsus right behind. Christianity is thought to have converted to the Church during the period of the temple was made Mısırlılarca fied. The Temple of Serapis in Turkey Hrsitiyanlıktaki Bergamadaki with other temples because it is among the Seven Churches more tanınmaka.    Church Of Mary    431 is the place where Mary's Church Meeting Consul (Consul Church), is the first church built in the name of the Virgin Mary. The port is located to the North of Bath. Among the first seven churches in the Christian religion.    St. Jean's Basilica commissioned by the great Arts    Byzantine Emperor and of that period are the largest building in the center of the domed Basilica a 6 bottom, Christ's favorite disciple of St. Jean (John) are allegedly found the Tomb but has not found any findings yet. There is also a monument erected in the name of St. Jean. It is very important for Christians this is located to the North of the Church Ayasuluk Castle Treasury building and the Baptistery.   

Upper Agora and Basilica 

  Built by Emperor Augustus, where official meetings and exchange operations. Odeionun is in front.    The Senate (Odeon)    There was enough space had a bicameral management. One of the meetings of the Privy Council in this structure, which is covered in a timely fashion and concerts. 1,400 people capacity. It is therefore also referred to as ' doing Bouleterion '.    Prytaneion (Town Hall) like the Mayor of the city of    Prytan. The biggest task, thick columns, symbolizing the city's eternity in kent this structure fire of night. On behalf of the city Goddess Hestia Prytan took on this task. Around the Hall God and the Emperor statues lined up. Statues of Artemis in Ephesus Museum were found here and then has been brought to the Museum. The official guests of the city, the buildings next door.    Marble Street ranging from street theater    Library square.    Domitianus Square    Tapığınağının death, North East of the square area Domitianus Pollio fountain and a building North of the hospital located on the street who thought de Memnius Memorial.   

  Magnesia Gate (Upper Gate) and East Gymnasium

 Ephesus has two entrances. One of them is the Magnesia Gate on the House of the Virgin Mary, which is the eastern gate of the city walls around the city walls. The East Gymnasium is right next to the Magnesia Gate on the Fairy Mountain. Gymnasion is the school of the Roman era.

 Herakles Gate

 Rome This gate, built in the end of the Age, has made Kuretler Caddesi a pedestrian way. The Force God on the front ward has received this name because of Heracles reliefs.

Mazeus Mithridates (Agora South) Gate

 Before the Library, it was built during the reign of Emperor Augustus. From the gate is passed the Trade Agora (Lower Agora).

Monumental Fountain 

  The challenging city in front of the Odeion is the 'State Agora' (Upper Agora). In the middle of it was the temple of the Egyptian gods (Isis). B.C. The Monumental Fountain, built by Laecanus Bassus in 80's, is located on the southwest corner of the State Agora. From here you can reach the Domitian Square and the Pollio Fountain, which is clustered around this square, the Domitian Temple, the Memmius Monument and the Heracles Gate.

Traianus Fountain

It is one of the two-storied monuments on the street   . The sphere of the world seen under the feet of the statue of the Emperor Train, standing in the middle, is symbolic.

 Efesin legendary founder Androklos is a fountain structure made in the name. The front part was changed during the Byzantine period.

 Slope Houses

The rich inhabitants of the city were living in multi-storey houses built on terraces. These houses, which are the most beautiful of the peristyle house type, were in the comfort of modern houses. The walls are covered with marble and frescoes, and the bases are covered with mosaics. All of the houses have a heating system and baths.

Great Theater
      The building at the end of Marble Cadden is the largest outdoor theater in the ancient world with a capacity of 24,000 people. The ornate and three-story stage building is completely destroyed. The seating steps are three sections. Theater, St. Paul has been a venue for his sermons.

 Palace Building, Stadium Street, Stadium and Gymnasium

The Byzantine palace and part of the cadden have been restored. The stadium in the shape of a horse is the place where sports games and competitions are held in the ancient times. Gladiator games were also performed during the late Roman period. The Vedius Gymnasium next to the stadium is the hamam-school complex. The Vedius Gymnasium is located on the northern tip of the city, right next to the Byzantine walls.

 Theater Gymnasiumu

The courtyard part of the large building, which functions as both a school and a bathhouse, is open. Here, marble pieces belonging to the theater are arranged for restoration. Agora: 110 x 110 meters open area in the middle of the area surrounded by portals and shops is a field. The agora was the commercial and cultural center of the city. It is the starting point of Agora Mermer Cadden.

 Hammam and Public Toilet 

  It is the most important social structure of the Romans. There are cold, warm and hot parts. It was repaired during the Byzantine period. The public toilet, which is a pool in the middle, was also used as a meeting place.

Harbor Street

The Great Theater is the longest street of Ephesus, Liman Caddesi (Arcadiane Street), with its two pillars and marble paved streets dating back to the Antique Lima, which is now fully occupied. Monuments were built on the 600-meter-long street during the city's Christian era. The four Apostolic Monument with four columns, each of which is sculpted by one of the apostles, is almost in the middle of the cadden.

Harbor Gymnasium and Harbor Bath

It is a large group of buildings at the end of    Liman Caddesi. Some of it was dug. 

Efes Ancient City Konumu

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11-02-2025 15:00:00

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