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Myus Ancient City

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  On the shores of Lake Bafa, Miletosun 15km. East of Avsar Village.

The member of the    Ion Union was perhaps the poorest and least important of the twelve cities, Myus. In this regard, Lebedos could only be a rival to him. The ruins on the edge of Menderes show a desolate and abandoned appearance today. The busy roads remain far from the traffic and few of the visitors are interested. The remnants that arrive at daylight may think that you will not be in trouble to reach them. But, except for the roads, those who like places around the world will find it rewarding. Myus is in the north-west of Avsar Village; Can be reached in place of the ruins by a half hour walk from the village. The road that separates from Sarıkemer is not too bad either. Another option is coming from the Özbasi Village and passing through the river. The German team who continued the excavations of Miletus also worked at Myus. It is observed that studies carried out on a small scale in 1964 did not bring about any significant changes to the known ones.

Myus said that Myus was founded by another son of Kodros. But his position was not well chosen. The city probably fell from its early days to the cunt's claw. The fact that Myus can not play a role in the spoiled Ion civilization and, to our knowledge, to raise a famous person, probably originated from the gloomy and frustrating environment created by this disease. 

  BC 480 When the Atomic hero of the Battle of Salamis, Themistocles, came down from his sight and was driven from his country, he won the friendship of the Persian king and told him that the king gave him three towns for his life: Magnesia for bread, Lampsakos for wine and Myus for opson. Opson finds the opposite in the word 'additive' in Turkish and means 'meat, fish, cheese, olives, any food to eat next to your sow.' The word reflects an interesting difference in eating habits. Today in the western world, while bread is being eaten alongside meat, the ancient Greeks were eating meat and pork beside their sourdoughs as the Turks did today. Bread was the main staple of life. It is rare for a Turkish peasant to eat less than half a meal of bread. The opson that Myus provided to Themistocles was undoubtedly primarily fish. As historian Diyodoros told, there was plenty of fish around Myus. Today, Dalyan, a few kilometers away, is witnessing the same situation.
  Maybe strange, but the story described above reflects the only event in the history of Myus that was presented by a king. BC In 201, the King of Macedonia V. Philippos passes through Anatolia with his armies. When supplies are exhausted, apply to Magnesia. They give the king some figs, because they have no cereals. When V. Philippos later took Myus, he gave the magnificent city to the figs. There is no doubt that the number of free cities living in a state of dishonesty twice given to others is not much. 

  History of Soke is usually brought to the shaft of the river Maiandros history. 499 BC in a fleet of 200 warships here Daniel atabilmişti. But five years later he joined only three ships the Lade War Myus. They are willing to do to go to war in a single, half-city had so few counted Phokaia ship. Soke is a regular contribution of Delos Union talent, kept the lowest paid of the city of İonia. In the year 390 BC Soke is a city still at least free. Because of the dispute, with some land suggests freedom of Miletos. In response, some 201de the B.C. incire sculptures to enjoy hand had dropped out of sight. 2. in the early Terbintheos of Miletos, Myus head God Apollo is considered to be a holy land to claim, under the management of Myusun shows the Miletos. Meanwhile, the effects of malaria and the Maiandros shaft ceaselessly. Strabonun time had decreased the population in a city of Myus, so I began to perform specific functions; under a political Union compared with Miletos. The ability to reach the same Myus  by sea also. With small boats along the River was supposed to advance from 4.86 km. Pausanias, portrayed a vivid narrative of the formation.  there is a small Bay near the Soke  Pausanias – put mentioned is probably imprecise Doom Lake.
Then it goes like this words:  put this in your mouth, it closed a mud Maiandros lagoon. Davis drew back, a fresh-water lake in the lagoon, so many mosquito species was here, they had to leave the town of Myuslular in them, including the cult statue is moved, taking with them their belongings and went over to Miletosun. When I came by to Myus, Abdullah made of marble, I couldn't see anything except the Dionysos Temple.  The temple foundations can be seen now, but no other remains standing. Ruins on the banks of a river with the help of the Byzantine castle rising on a hillock can be distinguish. Slope of the Hill, two rock rising behind each other to create a terrace. The upper terrace is a small space or niche is bordered by a wall of rock that contains. To a team within the hollow niche. On the terrace, width 17 m up to a majestic Doric Temple, is located. Temple of Apollo, the God of possibly gum tree belongs to Terbintheos. The foundations of one of the side wall extending parallel to him and possibly with the peristasis columns that help to keep afloat, is a series of pits partially surviving circle-shaped. Built of large stones, the Cyclops '-style wall supports, the upper terrace is hand down terrace. Pausaniasın terastadır down the Dionysos Temple mentioned. Some of the surviving temple based on a retaining wall and white marble with a single column kasnağıdır. the second is the main settlement in the hills east of  

. Here's a set of houses, tombs carved into the rocks and cisterns. Myusta from modern constructions of the area excavated and yoksunluğuna though, .. .a rare carved stones at the site to, this type of material is likely to carry Miletosa for reuse. Whatever the reason, he saw no real definite İoniada excavation of the ruins is not so little finds. like Other cities, public    Myus must have to do. But these are only a small number of parts, except we're talking about is a trace. Soke is placed within the ridge of the peak of Ali from the small Byzantine castle called Castle late period is an exception. 

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10-02-2025 12:00:00

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